Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Morlino

Join the Tridentine Mass Society of Madison in offering a spiritual bouquet for Bishop Morlino. A Spiritual Bouquet is an offering of prayer and/or sacrifice for the benefit of a soul of another person. This spiritual bouquet will be a gift of prayer to Bishop Morlino on the occasion of his 15th anniversary as Bishop … [Read more…]
Dominican Rite Missa Cantata

On Sunday, July 29 at 3:00 PM, there will be a Missa Cantata according to the traditional Dominican Rite celebrated by Fr James Dominic Rooney, O.P. at Blessed Sacrament Parish, 2121 Rowley Ave (near West HS). This Mass is organized by the Dominicans of the parish, with assistance from the TMSM, and will be preceeded … [Read more…]
Photos of Fr Lee’s First Mass

On Saturday, June 30, 2018, newly-ordained Fr Peter Lee celebrated his first Mass as a Solemn Mass in the Presence of the Bishop in Cappa Magna. This liturgy includes some very interesting moments in our Roman Rite: The Bishop recites the prayers at the foot of the altar together with the celebrant, with the other … [Read more…]
First Masses, old and new

On Friday, June 29, His Excellency the Most Rev. Robert Morlino will be ordaining three seminarians of the diocese to the Holy Order of the priesthood. The following morning, one of those men — the Rev Peter Lee — will offer his Fist Holy Mass as a Solemn High Mass (TLM/EF) in the presence of … [Read more…]
Pontifical Mass for Corpus Christi – Photos

On Thursday, May 31, 2018, His Excellency the Most Rev Robert Morlino celebrated a Pontifical Mass at the Throne for the Feast of Corpus Christi at St Norbert’s in Roxbury. While His Excellency has celebrated the Rite of Confirmation, as well as Pontifical Low Masses at St Norbert’s, this was the first full Pontifical Mass … [Read more…]
Ascension Thursday 2018

Ascension Thursday is on May 10 this year. In addition to the usual daily Mass schedules, there will be an evening Missa Cantata at SMPB, as well as some others throughout the diocese. Please contact us if you would like us to add others as well to this list. Location: St Mary’s Pine Bluff … [Read more…]
Holy Week schedules

We are now in Passiontide. The statues have been veiled. Psalm 42 and the Gloria Patri are now omitted. Next Sunday we commemorate Our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem with Palm Sunday, and enter into the most sacred week of the Church’s year. Holy Week TLM schedules in the Diocese of Madison: At St Mary’s Pine … [Read more…]
UPDATE: Solemn Requiem Mass for Fr Kunz
Due to the unfortunate news of the death of a priest in the diocese this week, Bishop Morlino will now be out of town on Saturday for a Funeral Mass. Hence, the Mass commemorating the 20th anniversary of the death of Fr Alfred Kunz will now be a Solemn Requiem Mass, followed by Absolution at … [Read more…]