27 August 2020 – @MadisonDiocese – Bp. Hying will administer Sacrament of Confirmation in the TRADITIONAL Rite

On Thursday, 27 August 2020, His Excellency Most Reverend Donald J. Hying, Bishop of Madison, will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Traditional Roman Rite. The Rite of Confirmation followed by a Solemn Mass will take place at 6:00PM at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison. Bishop Hying, as did his predecessor Bp. Morlino, … [Read more…]

Masses in the time of COVID-19

Slowly but surely, churches are being opened for more and more people. Mass attendance is rising again. This morning there was a good “socially distanced” crowd for the Vetus Ordo Mass at St. Mary’s in Pine Bluff. Video of the Mass is HERE. We are revising the schedule on the right side bar due to … [Read more…]

Mass in time of pestilence

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, His Excellency Bp Hying has granted permission to use the Mass in time of pestilence (Missa “Tempore mortalitatis”) and the Mass for the sick (Missa “Pro infirmis) as 2nd Class votives at the TLM through June. We will celebrate the Mass in time of pestilence at SMPB on Saturday, 3/14, … [Read more…]