Pontifical Mass for Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On Wednesday, May 31, 2017, the Most Reverend Bishop Robert Morlino will celebrate a Pontifical Mass at the Throne for the Feast of The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass will begin at 6:00 pm, and will be celebrated at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Monona. This is likely the first TLM in … [Read more…]
Solemn Mass for Easter Octave

There will be a Solemn Mass on Sunday, April 23—the Octave Day of Easter—at St Mary’s Pine Bluff, 7:30 am The Solemn rites of Holy Week and Easter morning having been completed, we will again honor the glorious Resurrection of our Lord with a Solemn Mass for the octave day of Easter. Please join us … [Read more…]
Photos from Pontifical Mass for St Joseph

Here are photos from the Pontifical Mass at the Throne celebrated by His Excellency, the Most Rev Robert Morlino, for the Feast of St Joseph (transferred), Monday, March 20, 2017. The next Pontifical Mass will be on the Feast of the Queenship of Our Lady, Wed. May 31 at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish, Monona.
Holy Week Schedules 2017 – Part II
Here’s part II of the schedules for Holy Week and Easter in the usus antiquior, April 9-16, 2017: St Mary’s, Pine Bluff: It is confirmed that the Triduum (times here) will be full Solemn rites with deacon and subdeacon. St Norbert, Roxbury Palm Sunday 11:00 am, Blessing of Palms and Sung Mass Monday–Wednesday of Holy Week … [Read more…]
Holy Week Schedules 2017

Here are the schedules for Holy Week and Easter in the usus antiquior, April 9-16, 2017: St Mary’s, Pine Bluff Palm Sunday 7:30 am, Blessing of Palms and Sung Mass Holy Thursday 8:30 pm, Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday 2:00 pm, Solemn afternoon liturgy Holy Saturday 10:00 pm, Solemn Easter Vigil Easter … [Read more…]
Pontifical Mass for Feast of St Joseph

On Monday, March 20, 2017, the Most Reverend Robert Morlino will celebrate a Pontifical Mass at the Throne for the Feast of St Joseph. Mass will begin at 7:00 pm in the chapel of Holy Name Heights / Bp O’Connor Center. Although usually on March 19, the Feast of St Joseph is transferred to the … [Read more…]
Ash Wednesday Masses

There will be a Sung Mass on Ash Wednesday at 6:30 pm at St Mary’s Pine Bluff. Fr Heilman will be available to hear confessions during the Mass. We are already well into the Septuagesima season, with violet vestments, the Gloria absent except on feast days, and the Alleluia-song buried until Easter. Hopefully you are … [Read more…]
Septuagesima: Burying the Alleluia before Solemn Mass

The pre-Lenten season is nearly upon us, and on Septuagesima Sunday—February 12—the TMSM will be restoring the Medieval tradition of “burying the Alleluia” before Solemn Mass at St Mary’s in Pine Bluff. What is the “burying of the Alleluia”? In the Medieval churches of Western Europe, various customs arose around the final “Alleluia” which concludes … [Read more…]