Lent and Vestment News

We have now entered the liturgical season of Lent, and thus violet vestments have been the norm for the last three Sundays. The TMSM had been using portions of our violet Pontifical set until recently, so to avoid uneven wear to that set, we have acquired a separate Solemn Mass set. This new set arrived … [Read more…]
Vigil of the Epiphany

We are planning to have a Solemn Mass for the Vigil of the Epiphany on Saturday, 5 January, at St Mary’s in Pine Bluff at 4:00 PM, followed by Exposition, Benediction, and the Solemn Blessing of the Epiphany Water. What began as plans for simple Benediction and blessing of the Epiphany Water before the Knights … [Read more…]
Special Chants: Christmas Kalenda and Epiphany Noveritis

Today is the Octave Day of the Nativity, and this Sunday, January 6, we will celebrate the great Feast of the Epiphany. The Roman liturgy offers some wonderful chants this time of year, which are a bit outside the norm of what most Catholic laity are used to hearing, even if they are familiar with … [Read more…]
Rorate Mass at UW

The Tridentine Mass Society was recently approached by Fr Andrew Showers, one of the priests at St Paul’s, the campus parish of the University of Wisconsin, requesting our assistance. The students were requesting a traditional Advent Rorate Mass, and they would need to borrow some liturgical items for proper celebration of the TLM in their … [Read more…]
Solemn Requiem for Bp Morlino

The Tridentine Mass Society will hold a Solemn Requiem Mass to pray for the repose of His Excellency, the Most Rev Robert Morlino, our beloved departed Bishop of Madison on Thursday, December 6, 7:00 PM at St Mary’s Pine Bluff. We will begin with Vespers of the Dead at 7:00 PM, followed by Mass at … [Read more…]