Author: TMSM Content
Christmas Mass Schedule

December 25, Christmas, is a Holy Day of Obligation for all Roman Rite Catholics. In the Madison area, there are the following Masses in the Extraordinary Form on Sunday, December 25, 2016: St Mary’s in Pine Bluff – Midnight Sung Mass St. Norbert’s in Roxbury – Midnight Sung Mass St Mary’s in Pine Bluff – … [Read more…]
GoFundMe: White Pontifical Set

As part of our ongoing efforts to support the celebration of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form in the Diocese of Madison, we will be purchasing a white pontifical set. We currently have a gold set already, but as many of the feasts specify white or gold, it has gotten some heavy use, so we wish … [Read more…]
EF Confirmations

His Excellency Bishop Morlino will be conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Extraordinary Form on Wednesday, November 30 2016, the Feast of St Andrew, at St Mary’s in Pine Bluff. Those interested in receiving this Sacrament in the usus antiquior should contact Fr Heilman, pastor of St Mary’s.
Mass for Our Lady of the Rosary

This Friday, October 7, Fr Zuhlsdorf will celebrate a First Friday Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Holy Mass will begin at 7pm at St Mary’s Pine Bluff. Please join us in celebrating this feast commemorating Our Lady’s intercession in the Battle of Lepanto, in which the Christian West managed to … [Read more…]
All Saints and All Souls

Remember that this Tuesday, November 1, is a Holy Day of Obligation as we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. In Dane County, there will be the following TLMs offered for the Holy Day: 6:30 am, St Norbert’s, Roxbury 5:30 pm, St Mary’s, Pine Bluff The following day, Wednesday, November 2, His Excellency Bishop Morlino … [Read more…]